Key to Happiness | Teen Ink

Key to Happiness

March 29, 2014
By John Kokulak BRONZE, Warwick, New York
John Kokulak BRONZE, Warwick, New York
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

We all have had those days where all you want to do is just sit there and wish you didn’t have a worry in the world. However, the way we react in these situations is what distinguishes us from other people. Happiness is most certainly not just given to you for free; you have to work for it and earn it. That is what 99% of people don’t understand about being happy. In order to achieve this goal, you must learn how to react in situations that you are not comfortable with and are not satisfied with. No matter who you are, you are going to have those moments where you are upset and don’t want to move on. But if you are going to make any progress, you have to. It takes a strong person to be happy, and when you are happy, you will know it. When you are sad and/or upset, you have to learn and do whatever it takes to overcome that feeling. Never let your mood change who you are for even a second. If you do, you have failed.

The author's comments:
In my opinion, happiness is not always what people think it is. People must be open-minded about this subject and think about what they can do to help them achieve happiness.

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