Uniforms | Teen Ink


May 24, 2014
By AshleyR. BRONZE, Reno, Nevada
AshleyR. BRONZE, Reno, Nevada
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As a high school student should we conform to our styles or be like everybody else? A common debate in schools today is whether students should wear uniforms or not. While my school doesn’t have them that doesn’t mean that it never will. Our school may change its choice and force students to wear them like many other schools in the U.S. Wearing our own choice of clothing makes us who we are. It shows in a way our personality but also our preferences. It’s a good way to express ourselves. Wearing a uniform will make students feel like we’re just like anybody else and not different. Uniforms promote conformity and doesn’t allow for individual expression which is important in American society today.

In high school the dress code plays a part in the idea of uniforms. Yes there is a dress code that has to be followed and some people don’t always follow it but that’s why there are consequences. If that’s a reason to get uniforms we shouldn’t have to go through the consequences of a couple rules that were broken by only a small population of the students. A major part of social life is trends. Trends come and go and it’s a period of time where a certain item or clothing style is very popular. There are always trends and you can see people wearing the same style which in truth is relatable to uniforms.

Participating in fashion trends is an important aspect of “belonging” to a certain generation. When a parent tells their son or daughter “back then we didn’t dress like that”, “In my days we all listened to Super Junior, they were very famous all over the world”. People can identify and show their time period through trends and what is popular now compared to a different time, like what they wore and what was famous at that time.

With uniforms every student has to wear the same exact clothing while a trend is different because you can modify it to fit your style so not everyone is wearing the exact same thing, similar because of the style but not the same. Personality and style go together since it’s your personal preferences. With regular clothing you have options that fit your style, even though it might be the trend you still have it modified to your tastes. With uniforms you don’t have options besides what shoes you wear and how you do your hair and makeup. It’s still limited but more for girls if you are at a school where makeup isn’t allowed for everyone maybe there is even certain shoes that have to be worn with a specific color.

Gang activity does play a role in uniforms. Many sites state that uniforms decreased gang activity and crime activity in the 40%’s range. While uniforms might have helped you can’t make it go away. Gang members will still find a way to represent their gang. According to an article by Grace Chen she states “An additional argument put forth by those in favor of uniforms advocates that they decrease violence among students involved in gangs because there will be less chance of identifying gangs members through the clothing colors they wear. Though students may be limited in wearing a particular color, they will find other ways to identify their participation in gangs, from the hairstyles they select to how they wear the required uniform. For example, students in gangs may all choose the same type of belt to show their unity or shave their hair in the same fashion. “

Another strong argument is how uniforms affect self-expression in students. Many argue that uniforms will defeat the view of “fitting in” and cliques. Although that is true it disrupts students self –expression. As said in the same previous article stated she says “The opponents of public school uniforms, as outlined by the ACLU’s argument for the First Amendment, argue that uniforms stifle a student’s need for self-expression. By denying students the opportunity to fully express their unique personality through the clothing they select, individualism is unable to develop to its fullest capacity. When children select their own clothing, they are able to develop confidence and independence, characteristics vital to personality development and adult success. Denying students the ability to express individualism and belief in a sub-culture, whether preppy, hip-hop, punk, or jock, could stymie the students’ transition from childhood into adulthood. Controlling the socialization process could harm the student as an adult, as they are not prepared for the real world, where they will indeed be judged by their appearances.”

There is a lot of back and forth with uniforms but schools should consider the students opinions as well as the students. It seems like all surveys about uniforms have been taken by adults. Students should have the right to go against uniforms since it will affect them a lot more than it will to parents. Many argue that uniforms will cost parents less money since they won’t have to buy them regular clothes but it seems ridiculous to only wear uniforms all day everyday if it’s for educational purposes, you don’t see people taking trips, going out on dates, parties, weddings, going out with friends, ect. in their uniforms do you?

That is because they are not meant for that. Uniforms will only add onto the money spent on regular clothing. It affects parents strongly at the beginning of the school year where so many school supplies have to be paid for. Parents may not pay for much the rest of the year but no one wants to pay the extra $150 or more adding onto the usual hundreds if you have more than one child. Some families aren’t in a good financial state and it’s hard enough for them already.

This is a very controversial topic and that’s why some schools have them while others don’t, but either way students shouldn’t have to wear uniforms.

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