The Social Hierarchy of High School | Teen Ink

The Social Hierarchy of High School

June 11, 2014
By LaurenDavies18 BRONZE, San Ramon, California
LaurenDavies18 BRONZE, San Ramon, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Surviving high school is definitely a challenge, but an achievable one. It’s a part of your life that you can’t really avoid. It’s a chapter in your life that holds a lot of value for your future after high school. Some people think the most important part is the social aspect, but once they realize that isn’t what it’s about, it’s too late. High school is about learning about yourself and getting a taste of independence.

High school can be a tough time for lots of teens. You enter this big, bad school full of
older kids, and expectations for you to be a certain way are at an all time high. Suddenly your
best friend is hanging with the “popular crowd” and you don’t quite understand what ended
your friendship in the first place. Was it really just because you weren’t considered “popular”?
What a joke. The worst part is people take their social life more seriously than anything than
anything else.

Whoever said “High school is the best four years of your life”, probably didn’t do much
after high school. In reality, high school is about getting ready for life ahead of you. There are endless possibilities to what people are capable of, but we set limits for ourselves. We restrict our potential by believing our social life is the most important thing. I’m not saying that having fun and being social isn’t a part of high school, because it is! I’m just so baffled by how seriously teens take it. If you’re not in the cool kids crowd, you feel as if your self value declines. Scenarios like that can ruin one’s high school experience all together.

As I get closer to graduating, I notice things that I wouldn’t have when I started high school. Instead of worrying so much about Sally dating Johnny, you focus on applying for colleges, taking assessments, and getting your diploma. Suddenly the things you thought were important, become irrelevant to what really is. All in all, my point is, do not take being popular or unpopular or whatever labels, too seriously. At the end of the day it comes down to your happiness. Knowing that, will help you a lot throughout high school.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jun. 13 2014 at 7:47 pm
Bismah PLATINUM, Karachi, Other
22 articles 1 photo 11 comments
Your article truly represents how highschool is percieved as and how it should be. Keep Writing!