Think With Your Words | Teen Ink

Think With Your Words

November 20, 2014
By Adam Shahin BRONZE, Topsfield, Massachusetts
Adam Shahin BRONZE, Topsfield, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Think big. Think small. Just do it. Make believe. Share moments, share life. Success, It’s a mind game. Expand your mind, change your world. Challenge everything. Your vision, our future. Make the most of now. It’s everywhere you want to be. Because you’re worth it.

Beauty outside, beast inside. American by birth, rebel by choice. Between love and madness lies obsession. Don’t be evil. If you want to impress someone, put him on your blacklist. I am what I am. Innovation. A mind is a terrible thing to waste. When there is no tomorrow. The greatest tragedy is indifference.

Live in your world, play in ours. At the heart of the image. There is no substitute. For men in charge of change. Stronger than dirt. Pleasing people the world over. Impossible is nothing. Pleasure is the path to joy. Let your fingers do the walking. Solutions for a small planet. Because life’s complicated enough.

When you care enough to send the very best. Quality never goes out of style. A diamond is forever. Connecting people. It could be you. Have you met life today? The miracles of science. Imagination at work. Be stupid. See what we mean?


Look Ma, no cavities. I don’t want to grow up. Life’s short, play more. Like no other, make believe. Everyone’s invented. Relentless focus on you. The best a man can get. Nothing runs like a Deere. They’re great.

This is your brain; this is your brain on drugs. Any questions? We bring good things to life. It’s the real thing. Built for the road ahead. Safe, strong, fast. Built to last. Our innovation, your edge.

Love is forever. Capturing it is noble. Bliss captured. Hatching plans for a beautiful home. A place to celebrate life. The happiest place on Earth. Choose it, buy it, love it. Smarter buildings, better experiences. Customized coaching, unlimited support, exceptional results.

Give your goals a voice. Communication skills, infinite possibilities, endless opportunities. Explain, engage, convince. Giving excellence, taking pride. Our expertise, your freedom.

Equal pay is just common cents. Thank you for your support. Legendary reliability. We try harder. Never follow. Think outside the box. The power to be your best. Higher standards.

Life’s messy, clean it up. We mean clean. The quicker picker-upper. For virtually spotless dishes. Have it your way. It just tastes better. For negative people. Get your own box. Like a rock.

Restoring the joy of motion. We move the world. The power of all of us. It keeps going, and going, and going. Don’t just travel, travel right. See your way forward. Live richly. Inspiration comes standard. Will you be ready?

The author's comments:

This is a peice i created that mocks David Shield's Life Story. I wrote an essay using nothing but slogans. It is a story that I'm telling without using any of my own words.

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