Love Is All That Matters | Teen Ink

Love Is All That Matters

December 15, 2014
By poetry&unicorns PLATINUM, Rogersville, Missouri
poetry&unicorns PLATINUM, Rogersville, Missouri
32 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
You never really understand a person until you consider things from his/her point of view 'till you climb inside of his/her skin and walk around in it~ To Kill a Mocking Bird

People offten wonder, "What  truly matters in life?" They ofen go stright to friends and family. But, what if you are not very close to your family, like me. Well you still have your friends. So you would assume that your friends would be what matters in life. Well As long as you have love in your life that is all that matters. If your like me you have very few friends, and your very picky as to who you call a friend, because you have been hurt to many times, and now have trust issues, and attchment problems. To me all that matters in life is love. If you have love you have everything you need. You do not need money, fame and fortune or even family, all you need in life is love. Then you can accomplish anything.

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