What Matters In My Life | Teen Ink

What Matters In My Life

January 27, 2015
By Hayden52210 BRONZE, Lapine, Alabama
Hayden52210 BRONZE, Lapine, Alabama
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

 If you were asked what matters the most, what would it be? Throughout life you will meet people that have different answers to what matters the most. Age and gender could have a lot of play in the answers you could receive. I am at a point in my life where I constantly have to remind myself what matters the most. In my life what really matters the most is God, family, and education.

 God matters the most to me because he is the reason I am a part of this world. If it was not for him I would not have the many blessing I hold today. He has given me more than enough to make my simple life whole. Just knowing that God is the one who determines if I wake up every single morning is the biggest motivation a person could have. Not only did he put me on this planet, he gave me the best family a girl could ask for.
 My family matters the most to me because they have shaped me into the person I am today. Listening to stories of their hardships has motivated me to always give everything my best, and never give up on my goals. My family has always been there for me no matter what, and that is why one of my biggest goals is to make them proud. Without them I would have never decided to get the best education I could get, and make something out of myself. Life is much easier spent with the people you love.

 Education matters the most to me because I just simply want to have a successful life, and make my family proud. I want to have a struggle free future when it is time to make my own family. I never want to have a financial burden placed upon my family. My family has always stressed the importance of me not making the same mistakes they have in the past. It will take time and effort, but I know with God and my family on my side I will accomplish my goals.

 In my future my education goals will be replaced with my career goals. I know two main things that will never change, and that is God and my family. Along my path to my successful life I will have to remind myself to never give up, but that is okay because I have amazing people on my side to support me. I know God and my family will help keep my head up, and on the right path to my life goals. No matter how bad my day is you will always receive the same answer to what matters the most to me.

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