What Really Matters | Teen Ink

What Really Matters

January 27, 2015
By Christina Bowen BRONZE, Highland Home, Alabama
Christina Bowen BRONZE, Highland Home, Alabama
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

What matters the most in your life? Numerous of people have asked me that particular question throughout my life. I thought long and hard about it each time it is asked. So the answer to the question is simple, God and family, my motivation, and education matters the most to me. Yes, it is not one thing because without all three I would not be the person I am today.

God and my family are one of the most important aspects in my life. I believe God has a plan for everything in our life. Whether it is the good or the bad days, He has a plan. I would not want to experience these days with anyone else but my family. No matter where my life may take me, I know one thing is for sure; I will always have my family’s love. They are my motivation and support system.

Coming from a low-income family, motivation has to matter. If I only learn one thing in my life it would be finding out that motivation plays a huge role in making dreams come true. My motivation came from my parents’ financial struggles. I have witnessed the pain and stress from living paycheck to paycheck. The hard reality has opened my eyes to a much bigger plan for furthering my education.

Education has not always mattered to me. It was not until I failed my third grade-spelling test when I started to care. I realized if I continued on the path I was on, I would end up like my parents. I promised myself no matter how difficult the journey got, I would always do my best in school. Ever since then I have made all A and B’s or all A’s. Now here I am a senior in high school, planning on attending college in the fall. I am undecided, but I have a few ideas in mind.

Even though I have been asked the question numerous of times, the answer will always be the same. What matter to me the most are God and family, my motivation and education. I had to learn the hard way of realizing what matters the most through life changing experiences. Without these experiences I would not be the smart young lady I am today.

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