American Flag | Teen Ink

American Flag

November 6, 2015
By 6trivett SILVER, Lisbon, Wisconsin
6trivett SILVER, Lisbon, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Stars and stripes describe the best symbol in the world: the American Flag. In some countries, you are put in a low social class and can’t rise up on the ladder. That is unfair because your future shouldn’t be determined by how well your parents did. It isn’t fair for kids to be put in an unfair situation just because of their parents. America is the best country because it gives hope to people no matter what the situation was with the past generations.

The American flag is a part of our lives in more ways than we know it. Every morning we stand up and say the Pledge of Allegiance while staring at the flag. Before every sporting event people stand up and say the National Anthem while staring at the flag. During parades, the veterans always carry the flag and show great gratitude toward the flag.

Seeing how much the flag means to all the veterans is really heart warming. My grandpa served and fought in WW2. He said, “My biggest pet peeve is when people talk and show disrespect during the National Anthem.” He went on to say that he takes that as an insult for the people that fight for this  country. People take this lifestyle for granted but they don’t understand not all countries have freedom like this.

The flag represents hope, pride, freedom in my eyes. The main reason is because of what my grandpa went through. It is a symbol of the greatest country on Earth and it is sad when it doesn’t get the respect it deserves.

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