The American Flag | Teen Ink

The American Flag

November 6, 2015
By NMcKay SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
NMcKay SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Bullets whiz past, and fires rage on, these are just two scenarios of those who risk their lives for American citizens. In an open fire fight, these brave men and women sacrifice their lives. They do it to protect people they don’t even know, for America’s safety and freedom.

A red, white, and blue flag woven into the sleeves of our brave soldiers displays what they risk everything to protect. When soldiers see the flag flapping in the wind, they know every sacrifice they make is worth it, and the ideal freedom is something fighting for.

When I see the flag, I think of every man and woman that has bled for our country. They sacrificed their lives to protect their families, their friends, their neighbors. They sacrificed to break away from a tyrannical rule and start a new system--a better system. They sacrificed to stop a super power from trying to take over the world. They even sacrificed to stop cowardly terrorists.

It’s not only overseas where Americans make the ultimate sacrifice--it’s at home in our streets as well. Our law enforcement, and every response team, is what keeps peace. They stop gang violence and drug trafficking. When the fight was brought home on September 11th, 2001, when the Twin Towers went under attack, crowds ran away, while rescuers rushed toward the burning building trying desperately to save trapped victims. Their selfless acts saved the lives of Americans like you and me. At the end of the day, it was a big red, white, and blue flag that waved above the site, honoring those who loss their lives, and those who sacrificed for others.
Whether it’s fires destroying homes, gang violence leading for the loss of innocent lives, or even terrorists destroying everything the can, all who sacrifice their lives for our flag and the people it represents, are heros to me.

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