American Flag | Teen Ink

American Flag

November 6, 2015
By aloncin BRONZE, Delafield, Wisconsin
aloncin BRONZE, Delafield, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

At my middle school the graduating eighth grade class took a trip to the nation's capital. While I was there, I realized what the American flag meant: strength, unity and hard work.

While in D.C, I could not help but notice that there were people from all over the country visiting the Capital. I realized that the flag is a representation of unity across the vass country. Having 50 different states the U.S. Has multiple cultures and the flag units them all to stand for the same things and share some of the same values.


Going through the Smithsonian museums I learned new things about the United States. What stuck out to me was the history of the country. I found it fascinating how the country was built. It was not easy for the founding fathers of this country. They put worth a massive amount of effort and hardwork to get this country on its feet. For me whenever I see the American flag it is a reminder of all of the hard work and effort that is poured into this great country.

During my time in D.C I visited  the monuments and Arlington National Cemetery. This showed me just how strong the United States truly is. From  the wars and tragedy that this country has seen it still stands together as one nation. Other countries look up to the U.S. as being a higher power because of are excellent military.  Because of that I feel that the flag is a symbol of strength.

Americans are brought together by the red,white, and blue flag. That symbolizes the strength of their country and all of their hard work and most of all their freedom. Those are the reasons why I am proud to be an American.

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