If Not Me, Than Who | Teen Ink

If Not Me, Than Who

December 15, 2015
By SteveFernandezReyes BRONZE, Petal, Mississippi
SteveFernandezReyes BRONZE, Petal, Mississippi
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Character, the way others see you and the way you carry yourself throughout your life. To many, having great character is the ice breaker in many situations because it shows who you truly are, rather than what you're trying to appear as. Character in today’s society plays a big factor when applying for college or even a job and can ultimately be the deciding factor to whether you get accepted into a good school or get hired for the job. Character is not only how others see you, It's how you see yourself when you're alone with no one to judge but yourself. Character is like honor, it's a word we take for granted and probably have affinity for it, but likely never had to define and struggle to do so when passed.

Having good character not only makes you more attractive as a person but it also makes you a great leader. Being a great leader is mainly consisting of a great personality and most of all character on and off the field of work. being able to not only to encourage others but to also see the bright side of pretty much everything is a great characteristics of a great leader. Furthermore, having a sense of humor and being humble in today's 21st century society are great qualities of character mainly because they show how you react to difficult or good situations, which are very important.

Not only being able to justify by your words but also by your actions is what separates most people from being a great leader, and having good character is the foundation to this. Having good character shows to people what you truly stand for in life and how you plan on handling it and how you react to many situations you are fronted with. This may even be the deciding factors between you and someone else applyings for the same job or school to whether you get accepted or not. Character unlike personality takes years to Develop and is far more revealing once fully comprehended.

Having the mentality of “If not me, than who” shows to others that you are not afraid of an opportunity and will be the leader of all situations you are confronted with. This is what separates a person of great character and leadership and someone of low character, for the person with great character never backs down from a situation and always stands for his or her morals.

The author's comments:

To me character is what defines every man and women on this earth.

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