Life's Game | Teen Ink

Life's Game

February 17, 2016
By goodlife BRONZE, Austin, Texas
goodlife BRONZE, Austin, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

 Life Is a worthy opponent & a difficult game with a simple ending. Life’s game can not be defeated if you attack it straight on forwards, but from the side’s.


Life sucks
Many people think life suck’s & why is that you may ask. It’s the simple concept that you didn’t choose life, it wasn't a deal with options, a book you didn’t want to read. In the end it doesn’t matter  that you didn’t choose, because in the end you're just life’s puppet. you're just a ant in life’s hand’s.


Life is good

 Even with its downs life also has its ups, if it did not im sure no one would want to still be here. Life also has amusement of creation, exploration, emotions, etc. All of these things are just a small part of what makes life still worth living in the end.


Life's endings

 But even with this whole discussion of life’s up’s and down’s we all still want a answer is life awesome or sucky. Even though it has the same grim ending… Life is what you make it, it's your decision, your destination, your ending.

 Life is never about the destination because the destination was always the same grim ending, it was about the journey. What i've been trying to say is that enjoy life for what it is not mar what you wish it was. Living has always been a benefit with struggles, so enjoy the learning & stop reading this.

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