What Freedom Means to Me | Teen Ink

What Freedom Means to Me

March 18, 2016
By Anonymous

Freedom is what I think of when I hear the words United States. Freedom is what I think of when I see the American flag. And freedom is what I think of when I see a bald eagle.

We are a free country and our soldiers help fight for that every day. They leave their families behind and sacrifice everything they have to fight for our freedom. Men, women and new-found adults train for months through intense fitness testing, night training, and self discipline. They commit their lives to this country, which is incredibly brave. They don’t know what to expect going over seas. They just know that when they leave, it could be the last time they see their families. They do this so we can remain a free country.

Most people take our American freedoms for granted and forget there’s thousands of people sacrificing their lives so we can keep on living ours.

I see a symbol of freedom every time I turn my head--whether it’s the flag in my classroom or the day I get to vote, I’m grateful to be a part of a country known for freedom.

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