What Freedom Means to Me | Teen Ink

What Freedom Means to Me

March 18, 2016
By 6carroll GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
6carroll GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There are fifty stars on the flag that represent each state in this nation, all of which have freedom. Freedom is one of those things we take for granted. However, the amount of loss and struggles this nation went through in war, has made it worth it.

Today, anyone can vote passed the age of 18. Anyone can go to public school to get an education. Anyone can get married. We have progressed so much as a nation by coming together to make solutions and compromises to problems. We still have a long way to go, but with the freedom and democracy this nation has, our people can bring this nation to greatness.

13 stripes on the flag that represent the original 13 colonies. Since of the beginning of this nation, our founding fathers had a dream that there could be a nation of freedom for all of the people, no matter what size, shape, or color. It is our duty as citizens to bring this nation to greatness

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