Materialism in Society | Teen Ink

Materialism in Society

April 20, 2016
By Anonymous

Have you ever sat and pondered over the saying, “Money can’t buy happiness” because once you do you’ll be asking yourself whether you believe it or not. Materialism. One word with a whole lot of meaning. In the world people everywhere, including you and I, are being depraved by materialism in one way or the other. All in all, materialism has become the epitome of the corruption of everyday lives.  Materialism is the monster in our society that keeps us from living our lives to the fullest, distracts us from our career goals, and even destroys family and friend relationships.


Often, people will use possessions to control their daily routines, therefore, keeping them from going out in the world to live in the fullest. Susan L. Taylor says, “We know that material things don’t offer contentment, but we still buy more - more of the props and gadgets our culture tells us we must have in order to be happy and to be ‘happening.’ Our addiction to consumption distracts us from seeing that we are disconnected from ourselves, from our truth, and from one another. Any euphoria we gain from our material gains is fleeting at best.” Materialism is a distraction. It gives us a direction in which we can focus our attention and our energies that seems to be attainable. ("Quotes And An Essay On Materialism--An Obstacle To Living Life Fully") The constant want for anything to deal with the newest trend pulls us into a different direction that keeps us from seeing the life we have in front of us. Overall, the desire coming from different points in one's life only leads to problems in the present or the nearing future. 


When everyday lives are impeded with material goods, some are sidetracked from completing tasks that come with the responsibility of their career. What’s the point of spending time and effort on stuff when it leaves little or no time for your real goals? (McClellan) Leah McClellan wrote in her article that material items are like an addiction and a temporary fix. That statement couldn’t be any more true. The world all around is introducing new material items everyday and what do we do? We seek these so called prodigious products and become glued to that possession. But none the less, the elation that comes from the item eventually dies down and one is forced to sought after the next thing. No time is left for the process it takes to maintain a steady job. Nonetheless, some jobs are chased by those who are looking for the money through everything. People who care about nothing but the money put everything aside for their big break, they often push way the important factors of a healthy life. Altogether, money and material items get in the way of goals and may even affect lives in a different situation.


To most people family and friend relationships are important in their lives. However, according to Leah McClellan, the friends she had made early on on in her life were long gone because she had been so naive. She had welcomed the want for expensive things right into her life and without acknowledging it, relationships soon started to crumble and eventually vanished. Often, when people value money more than those they love, they get lost in the world. Focusing on the desirer for everything new drives people away from family and friend relationships. A solid relationship is created with empathy, love, and communication, not stuff. (McClellan) Without the empathy, love, communication, etc., a relationship is impossible to stay put and strong built. Needless to say, it is extremely easy to get washed away with the current that consists of desire and want.


Thinking back to the phrase, “Money can’t buy happiness,” it’s easy to admit that the statement in itself is not entirely true. While some go out and blow their money and regret the choice they made later on, some actually put money to good use. For example, spending money while spending time with family and friends is worthwhile. Rather than investing in something that will make you happy in the moment, invest in something that you’ll be happy years from then. Joseph K. Goodman, along with Julie R. Irwin and Leonardo Nicolao, conducted an experiment on people and whether or not they were happy with experimental purchases or materialistic purchases. As expected, memory seemed to favor good experiences. (How Being Materialistic Can Actually Make You Happy) Alas, when spending or purchasing material items it is better to use that experience in way that will be beneficial and long lasting throughout your life.


In conclusion, materialism corrupts people's lives in many reasons including: keeping people from living their lives to the fullest, distracting people from career goals, and destroying family and friend relationships. Many fill their lives with things they think will fill a hole in their lives but really makes that hole bigger. Also, people are held up with their erroneous decisions by choosing material items rather than their career. And relationships are bound to be ruined when money and material goods are placed before those they love. However, some may view the subject differently by saying that you can be happy when spending money or purchasing possessions. Happiness can be found when you spend the time with those you love instead of wasting and regretting the choice if it weren't anyone important. In addition, we can look at life from different aspects but materialism will be there one way or the other.

The author's comments:

In class we were assigned to write an argumentative essay based off a novel we read. My book was Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children. Throughout the book the main character, Jacob, had to fight off the monsters that were putting the children in danger. This is what inspired my piece. Materialism is the monster in our society that intereferes with daily lives. In the world people everywhere cling to their possessions like a sixth sense. From all the infromation I gathered and my own thoughts, they helped me realize that not everything has to revolve around material items. In order to not be consumed from these things, we have to fight them off like the monster matieralism is.

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