Compassion Through Solitude | Teen Ink

Compassion Through Solitude

May 18, 2016
By RadicalRavioli BRONZE, Gilbert, Arizona
RadicalRavioli BRONZE, Gilbert, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

If there is any strong suit to which I believe should be prominent within all characters it is that act of compassion we commonly recognize  as ‘understanding’. I believe that with it we'd witness the conception of a kinder world. I believe that a bit of contemplation within a state of isolation, more so seclusion, allows an individual to develop a better perspective on the world surrounding them. Furthermore, allowing them to gain this ‘understanding’ required for what I see fit as the fruition of a gentler era. 

I believe that  just as there are three states of mind there must also be three states of understanding; Evidently beginning with the act of self understanding.  I believe that, just as the many philosophers and theorist of past millennia, the act of seclusion brings us to a closer understanding of ourselves once in a tranquil peace of mind and reflective state. I believe that diverging from society allows an individual to see it as a whole and gain some self  compassion along the way. I believe it is this understanding of oneself that plays key in understanding others.
I believe that in order to flourish one’s relationships they must first gain that primary self understanding, for if an individual cannot understand themselves, how may they ever grow to understand others. I believe that with that an individual will be able to step into another’s shoes, into the second branch of understanding, and see whatever it is they see. I believe that with self compassion that individual may learn what it means to be compassionate to others. I believe it is this understanding of others that plays key in understanding society.      

I believe that by gaining an understanding to oneself, and to those nearest, this individual may gain an understanding to the social functions of the world; The third branch. Like cogs in a machine, it is those other individual pieces of society which together adjust the gaze of the world, determining what is just. Naturally by understanding more of each other these individuals would gain more of an understanding on constellations of others and eventually most all others and by determining the perception of the world these individuals could then determine where they lie on a social spectrum. I believe it is this understanding of society that plays key in understanding oneself.

Now something that must be noted is that the act of seclusion is often mistakened for loneliness, but that is not the case. One is the equivalent of alienation which thrives in the midst of crowds, the other is distinguished more as an incubator to one’s spirit between space and time. It’s the difference of harmony and incongruity. I believe, it is true that, this seclusion may not improve one’s character as an active member of society, however it may improve them as a member of humanity. I believe that any individual may discover compassion through solitude.

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