Being Yourself | Teen Ink

Being Yourself

June 10, 2016
By XxGhostRyderxX SILVER, Davenport, Washington
XxGhostRyderxX SILVER, Davenport, Washington
5 articles 1 photo 7 comments

People don't know much about being themselves, and usually when they are themselves, people make fun of them about it. Why? Why do people have to hide to be better? Why do people have to make others hate themselves? Why do people have to be so stupid?


You are supposed to be you. You are supposed to be yourself whether or not people like it. If they don't, then ignore it. You don't have to act like someone else just to please someone. If you want to be popular, be popular in your own way, not in the way everyone else wants you to be. If people are telling you that you suck and you are stupid, why listen to them? All they are trying to do is get stuck in your head and make you seem like you do suck. Even though some may think that they are only just helping you, then really, they aren't. All they are doing is making them seem better than you but, of course, they aren't. If you are you, then you are better than anyone else who is not themselves.


To those people who are themselves, then just know, at least you are living the life you are wanting too. Being yourself shows others that you aren't hiding anything, that they could trust you, and that at least everyone knows who you are and who you can be. If you have friends when you are fake, then I bet that as soon as people know who are you, they are just going to leave you. If you have a crush, and all you are doing is changing yourself to make them like you, then trust me, they aren't ever going to like you like that. Unless they are into things like that, then they are never going to like you because you lie to much. You lie to much about who you are. If you are yourself around them, and they don't like you, then they aren't worth your time. You don't need to cry. Why cry over someone who never liked you? Why cry over someone who you never had a chance with? Why cry over someone who can make you cry? 


Its good to be yourself, no matter who likes you and who doesn't. Its good to tell the truth and open up to people, then to close yourself in. But I guess thats up to you on what you want to do. What you do with your life, is your choice. I'm just trying to help you make your choice faster than you are now. 

The author's comments:

I'm tired of people thinking they have to be fake to get people to like them. It only makes them lose more friends and make more people hate them but not many people understand it. You choose your path but just know, what you think, may not always be the right choice. 

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This article has 1 comment.

m1na GOLD said...
on Dec. 25 2017 at 3:53 pm
m1na GOLD, Olympia, Washington
12 articles 0 photos 91 comments
This is really well written, I love it!