Risks and Rewards | Teen Ink

Risks and Rewards

February 1, 2019
By Anonymous

 The word adventurous has different meanings to different people. My interpretation of this word is to experience more than what the world gives. To me this word means to go above and beyond, to strive to make your life the best life it can be. Choose to have a good attitude. Make the most of everyday. I see this in people who take risks, in hope that they will see or experience new and rewarding things.  

To be adventurous, you need to take risks to accomplish a specific goal you have for yourself. The trait of courage and a good attitude helps to never give up. I started snowboarding last year; I took a risk and something good came from it. The first time I went snowboarding was not easy. In fact it was extremely hard. I fell so many times the snow felt like a brick wall. The thought of quitting went through my head. I thought it would be easier to be done. But I didn’t give up, I chose to put a smile on my face and keep going. The next thing I knew, the little hills started to get bigger and bigger and by the end of last season I was snowboarding hills I could barely ski before. I kept pushing on, and now I can snowboard really well. The more someone practices, the better he or she will be. If you don’t start something a you will never know if the adventure of life will be different. To adventure means to take risks.

If a person is not adventurous, he or she are satisfied with life. The minimum is okay. They don’t go above and beyond. A non adventurous person can be on a hike and see the waterfall from a distance and be okay with that. When an adventurous people wants to feel the mist of the waterfall on their face. Not being adventurous can lead to life with fewer experiences and opportunities.

I would say that I have been on many adventures in my life that have shaped me into the person I am today. The most rewarding and influential adventure I have been on, was three years ago my older sister and I went camping along the North Shore. During the time of this trip, I was fourteen years old. I had never been away from my parents alone before. The second night of this trip was hard for me. I had my first panic attack; my body felt paralysed and I felt like I had nowhere to go. I was nervous for what was to happen in the night or the next hike my sister wanted to go on. Although this adventure allowed me to grow and become more independent, I do not think that I would have accomplished my independence if it would not have been for the adventurous trait. This trait helped me mature. I know that I would not be the person I am today if I did not make most out of every day. In my life, I strive to make every day count by taking risks and creating the life that I want to live.

Attitude contributes to the way you perceive life. If  you have a good attitude then you are more willing to do more things. You will live your life from a different point of view. Being a teenager is hard sometimes. Everyday I encounter things that can break me. If it is something I am not invited to or as simple as someone being rude. I choose to overcome these circumstances with joy. Although it can be hard to put a smile on your face when people make you feel bad. But the willingness to learn and try new things can help. It can be hard to have a reason to learn, I see learning as a distraction. Life gets hard, but every weekday I come to school and try to make the most of it, in hopes I can make it the best day yet.

The author's comments:

What does the word adventure mean to you? This is what the adventurous trait means to me. 

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