Venezuelan Migration | Teen Ink

Venezuelan Migration

February 6, 2020
By Guzy BRONZE, Monterrey, Other
Guzy BRONZE, Monterrey, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Over four thousand people leave their country every day. Governments don't let people go. Venezuelans suffer every day because they don't have the right to escape. It is incredible that the amount of venezuelan escaping is massive because of different reasons. I am studying the causes of venezuelan migration because I want to know who/ what/ when/ where/ whether/ why/ how people in venezuela are leaving. 

Venezuelans are leaving because of different reasons. A reason that venezuelans leave their country its because the government limits them what to do and what to say. According to newsela, “The number of venezuelans leaving because of this problem every day is around 4,000-5,000 people so in average, 35,000 people leave Venezuela every week.” this means that every day people leave their country because of their horrible government. This is important because the government is making a bad job to respect their community and people are risking their lives to be in a better future. To continue, It is insane that the government doesn't takes peoples opinions or doesn't even pay them some respect at them. That is why Venezuela is so bad and there are various migrants. Mostly, migrants travel to the Caribbean or to colombia.

Another reason that venezuelans leave their country its because of due to government price controls and corruption, shortages and foreign exchange controls. According to wikipedia, “business mans migrate because of this problem. This relates to the countries: México, Chile, Argentina, Peru, and the US.” this means that not only venezuela is struggling with this problem, but also other countries. This is important because this problem is going through parts of the world because of bad governments and this cannot stay like this ever. 1 out of 10 venezuelans leave their country because of price controls. People every day have to walk thousands of miles to for them to be in a better future. Even the United States doesn't receive as many migrants as boa vista does.

Lastly, Venezuelans travel because of shortages of food and medicine. According to, “more than 4.6 million kids, women, and men have left venezuela for a better future.” This means that because of this problems, they have to leave their country because Venezuela is not for a better future. This matters because people cannot just go away from their homes because where they live is not secure. To add on, “Venezuelans migrant to north america, southern europe, colombia, peru, US, chile ecuador and spain, But they mostly travel to latin america and the caribbean. Venezuelans travel mostly by walking every day which takes the risk of getting robbed or even worst things. Some can go by a car but takes the risk of the police catching them. Sadly, these people want a better future for themselves and have to leave their country for the better.” said.

To conclude, the reasons that venezuela migrations are leaving is because of the government limits them what to do, because of price corruptions, and because of shortages of food and medicine. I would make an action plan to end this and it is that everyone should fight among the government to respect others and I think that there should be a brief conversation among countries to punish the Venezuelan president by more than a year of jail. I think that this problem should be solved on all countries and Venezuelans by everyone's help.


Works Cited:

“Many Venezuelans are migrating to other countries in latino america, Newsela, 

Washington Post, 09/11/2018

“the venezuelan exodus, council forgein relations, Rocio Cara Labrador, July 8, 


 “Venezuelan migration: the 4,500-kilometer gap between desperation and 

opportunity, the world bank, Feature story, November 26, 2019

“Venezuelan refugee crisis, wikipedia, doesn't says, 15 january 2020

“venezuelan refugee and migrant crisis, IOM UN migration, government figures, 

October 2019,

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