My Personal Synetics | Teen Ink

My Personal Synetics

May 16, 2021
By johnmarco21 BRONZE, Wentzville, Missouri
johnmarco21 BRONZE, Wentzville, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

What are synectics? Synectics is a method that works with problem analogies and puts them in a different, seemingly not at all linked, environment. Method is based on the assumption that people are more creative when they understand how creativity works. (Pincot 1) Synectics in writing use analogies and metaphors for creativity and innovation. As direct analogies are based on unrelated topic comparisons, personal analogies are supposed to enhance the person's understanding of a topic, object, place, etc. when they are told to become one of those things.

For example: Am I more like a beach or a city? I'd say I'm more of a beach because I think the beach is a place to relax, meaning that i'm more of a peaceful person and I like my alone time. But, at beaches  you also can spend time with your friends and I also like doing that too.  A beach has pounding waves that hit the shore, which is similar to how I feel when I’m rushing to make a basket in a ball game. Finally, a beach is a place I long for and peace is what I long for, too.

 I’d say I'm more of a lock because I'm a trustworthy person who keeps my guard up. I'd say I also have key personality traits. One of those traits is because I like to always know what's going on and I like to learn new things. However, with learning new things I love finding the unknown like abandoned buildings, or even learning about new scientific and archaeological discoveries. I always love exploring new things. I can relate to a lock because I'm loyal to the key and the key being friendships, relationships, etc. and it's very hard to break my trust as I forgive but do forget.

Am I more like a cat, dog, or a fish? I'd say I’m more of a cat of all animals as like a cat, I'm more extroverted. Although cats are stereotypically introverted, they are also extroverted at times and I can relate to that. Cats are very adventurous and curious and I can also relate to that stereotype. I am very hygienic due to the Corona Virus and was a little less hygienic before the lockdown. I can be quiet and love activities. 

Am I more like a mystery, a science fiction, western, or a romance? I'm more of a mystery as I keep to myself. I don't like putting everything out there on social media like what I'm doing at all times. I’m pretty introverted and I like my private life. I can keep secrets and my trust cannot be broken. I like to stay unpredictable and don't like people knowing my next move.

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