AI and its Impact on the Future of Humanity | Teen Ink

AI and its Impact on the Future of Humanity

November 25, 2021
By Anonymous

How will Artificial Intelligence affect humanity long-term? 

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a relatively new concept. It's another step forward in humanity's industrialisation of the world. It's impossible to say whether it was a step in the right direction because it happened so recently. AI, like anything else in the universe, has advantages and disadvantages. While AI makes tasks easier and safer, assists with calculations and forecasts, and saves lives, it also has the potential to go rogue, steal people's employment, and cause insecurity in society. 


While using these robots to complete jobs can be risky because they may malfunction, AI can make missions much easier by exploring uncharted territory and ensuring that it is safe for humans to visit. They can also disarm bombs without endangering people's lives or injuring them.

While having a soldier manage a drone is far easier than having a soldier out there on their own, the human part of battle is what makes it so terrible. It’s been shown too many times that the one thing that makes war so horrible is that people die. People are sent out into battle when they are 18, for example. Removing this aspect of war will lead to people not being worried about war and not caring about it, which makes it  But that's also what gives it substance. Civilians, as well as soldiers, will eventually die due to war, and the soldiers involved will feel no remorse because they are simply sitting in a chair managing a machine.


Robots have been shown to be more precise and exact than humans will likely ever be. Few humans are capable of calculating the sum of 14232+12394 without writing it down, but every little calculator you can fit in your pocket is capable of doing so in a split second. Machines, on the other hand, lack the experience and morals of people. If they were to do surgery, for example, the machine would almost certainly perform better than a human would.

Non-Essential Work

Another subject that AI has swept up is non-essential work. Millions of individuals have likely lost their employment as a result of AI taking over their factory or workplace and the company no longer needing workers. It does, however, provide a safer atmosphere, since workplace accidents may occur if humans are working instead, and it may also influence the efficiency upon which things are accomplished.

Space Exploration

With robots being used for tasks involving space, it’s also likely that AI will prove useful to humanity in that sense, but it’s less of an issue since there are practically no cons with sending robots into space. The worst thing that could happen is that the machine breaks, but since they’re replaceable it’s not that big of a deal. 

While AI can be harmful to civilians and cause individuals to lose their jobs, it's also crucial to remember that many people would benefit from such ideas. For example, consider the owner of a company that no longer has to pay employees since all of them have been replaced by machines. While machinery can be costly initially, it quickly pays for itself. Doctors, soldiers, and everyday laborers are likely to disappear soon. Everything is gradually getting automated, and it is critical that we, as mankind, recognize this and take action.


Artificial Intelligence, like anything else, has its advantages and disadvantages. What matters is that each con is carefully controlled, because the worst-case scenario still, while it’s unlikely, exists. While the advantages may exceed the disadvantages in many cases, especially in war, it must be handled with caution because it is ultimately what can cause the most harm. Many individuals can be killed or injured if something goes wrong or goes too far in that topic.

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