A Case for School Uniforms | Teen Ink

A Case for School Uniforms

December 7, 2021
By sydney_haw BRONZE, Green Bay, Wisconsin
sydney_haw BRONZE, Green Bay, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

High school students who are required to wear uniforms typically are not ecstatic about it, but there are good reasons that schools require their students to wear uniforms.  In fact, high schools should require students to wear uniforms because it promotes learning, professionalism, and equality. Uniforms can also improve safety and benefit students' mental health. 

Academic Performance

Wearing uniforms benefits high school students’ academic performance in many aspects. High school students often get distracted by their own clothing or their peer’s clothing during the school day. Requiring uniforms would assist in eliminating some of that distraction and encourage students to focus on schoolwork. Students also spend a lot of time shopping for clothes and deciding what to wear daily. Uniform-wearing students can redirect the time spent on choosing clothing to schoolwork. Researcher, Virginia Draa, did a study of six urban high schools in Ohio before and after their uniform policy. The study shows graduation rates rising over eight percent. Test scores also increased by a significant amount with the uniform policy. Math 9 scores increased by three percent and Math 12 scores increased by just under seven percent (Draa). This study concludes that there is a significant improvement in the academic performance of high school students when uniforms are implemented. 


Requiring uniforms in high school can set students up for success while they are in school as well as for the rest of their life. Uniforms improve student behavior because they affect students’ mindsets. When students wear uniforms that are different from casual weekend wear, it mentally sets apart school as a place of work and not a place to laze and hang out with their friends. A member of the Association of California Schools stated “Students seemed to have far greater respect for one another, and discipline problems decreased” after observing the effect of uniforms.  (Administrators, 3). Uniforms can also aid students in their future careers. Most employers require their employees to follow a dress code or wear a uniform in order to create a professional atmosphere. Wearing a uniform in high school sets a positive precedent for future success in the workplace. 


A high school campus comprised of students wearing uniforms has many advantages. Spotting trespassers or intruders is made much easier when students are wearing uniforms. Another major safety issue in schools is gang violence. In 2019, 9.8 percent of public school students in the United States reported that gangs were present in their schools (Statista Research Department). Theft, fighting, and overall violence are increased when gangs are present. Over thirty-one percent of school shootings from 2009-2019 were potentially related to gangs (GAO). A high school senior in New Providence, New Jersey said she is afraid of gangs as she has been a victim of gang violence herself. This seventeen-year-old girl was interviewed by The Tribune on her feelings about gang violence in her school. “Worried? Most definitely, Scared? More like terrified. Being a victim of bullying, many gang members have either abused me verbally or physically” (Adderley and Major). High school students who are affiliated with a gang usually wear certain colors or dress a certain way to differentiate themselves from rival gangs or groups. Uniform policies can suppress gang violence by not allowing gang members to identify the group that they are a part of through their appearance. Although uniforms are not likely to end violence in high schools they can certainly help reduce it.


Uniform clothing helps cultivate equality among students. The socioeconomic status of students is often revealed in the clothing they wear. Researcher, Dr. Reuter, stated, “No matter what socioeconomic group students come from, they feel what they are wearing is a direct correlation to their self-identity” (Reuter). Students who come from higher-income families have a tendency to wear designer or name-brand clothing in order to associate their identity with how wealthy they are. The students who come from low-income families will often compare themselves to the wealthier students. This can cause those students to be ashamed or have a lack of confidence. A survey done in Europe showed that seventy percent of children felt that uniforms helped them to fit in better (Trutex).  This survey proves that uniforms can eradicate that socioeconomic barrier between students by removing the division that clothing presents.

Mental Health

Many students struggle with their mental health. Mental health issues can be the result of many things such as bullying, comparison to others, and stress. Students can be bullied for the type of clothes they wear whether it is because the clothes they wear are too colorful, too dark, or just not “cool.” Uniforms can make it harder for bullies to pick on students who cannot afford nice clothes or just do not want to wear certain clothes. With the widespread use of social media, comparison to others is one of the biggest things high school students struggle with. Uniforms can make school a place where students feel safe from the highly competitive environment that social media presents and ease the anxiety caused by social pressures. Uniforms can also relieve stress by making students’ lives easier. Students do not have to worry about financial pressures in buying the latest fashions in order to fit in. Ten thousand teenagers were surveyed concerning their spending in 2020. The survey found that the average teenager spends $2274 per year and over fifty percent of that is spent on clothing (Piper Sandler). Uniforms can reduce the amount of money that students spend on clothing.  They also do not have to worry about what their friends will think of them based on their outfits. 


Today’s social climate presents many struggles for students. High schools should consider enacting a uniform policy because of its many benefits. Uniforms can help students feel one with their peers, and they can help reduce stress and thereby improve students’ mental health. Uniforms also make it possible to improve the academic environment in schools by making it more safe, professional, and by limiting distractions. Requiring uniforms makes students’ lives simpler and makes going to school a more profitable experience. 




Works Cited 

Administrators, Association of California School. Thrust for Educational Leadership. World Bank, Europe, and Central Asia, Country Department II, Country Operations Division, 1968. 

Adderly, Morgan, and Riel Major. “Students Open Up on Fear of Gangs.” The Tribune, tribune242.com/news/2019/apr/11/students-open-fear-gangs/?news. 

Draa, Virginia Ann Bendel. 2005, School Uniforms in Urban Public Highschools. 

GAO. “Characteristics of School Shootings - Gao.” Characteristics of School Shootings, gao.gov/assets/gao-20-455.pdf. 

OSSI. “Are Uniforms Good for School Security & Safety?” OSSI, 26 Apr. 2017, ossi-usa.com/are-uniforms-good-for-school-security-safety/. 

Piper Sandler, Inc. “PIPER SANDLER COMPLETES 42ND SEMI-ANNUAL GENERATION Z SURVEY OF 10,000 U.S. TEENS.” Piper Sandler ®, pipersandler.com/2col.aspx?id=178&releaseid=19561&title=Piper+Sandler+Completes+42nd+Semi-Annual+Generation+Z+Survey+of+10%2C000+U.S.+Teens. 

Reuter, Nicole. “School Uniforms.” CORE, 2011, core.ac.uk/reader/346591782. 

Statista.“U.S. Schools - Gang Problems by School Type and Ethnic Group 2019.” Statista, Statista Research Department, 21 July 2021, statista.com/statistics/183662/gang-problems-at-us-schools-by-school-type-and-ethnic-group/. 

Trutex. The UK’s First Report into Attitudes around School uniforms trutexbtru2u.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/Uniform-Research-Report-29_6_17.pdf. 

The author's comments:

My name is Sydney and I wrote this paper for an assignment but also to help myself and others understand why schools have uniforms. 

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