Holiday Cheer Turns to Stress for Students | Teen Ink

Holiday Cheer Turns to Stress for Students

February 15, 2014
By Nala.P GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
Nala.P GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
17 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As the school year progresses and semester finals are fast approaching, students are starting to feel pressure. If you have experienced an increase of headaches, stomachaches, anger and irritability, then you are most likely experiencing stress.

“I feel like there is a lot of pressure to do stuff with guys and fitting in,” says Jalayah, a sophomore, “It’s affecting me because I have friends that have gone down that path and I don’t want to be associated with anyone like that.”

Katie, a sophomore said, “I get very stressed out about school because there is a lot of pressure to do well. I do talk to my teachers to help relieve some of the stress.”

Will, a sophomore says, “School work stresses me out and sometimes that can affect my grades poorly but I study hard to get rid of the stress.”

In order to prevent stress, it’s important to get a healthy amount of sleep and exercise. You also need to stay away from caffeine and avoid drugs, tobacco and alcohol. Finding a healthy way to distract yourself from pressure can also help you avoid stress. “The pressures I have are trying to do all online homework at school because I don’t have internet. Trying to do my other homework is stressful because I have a job so I don’t have time.” Said Katie. Katie also says that all these responsibilities take away from her sleeping time and social time with friends. “I have continues stress, have even suffered from an anxiety attack because there is a lot of people judging everything you do, and there is a lot of pressure to not be a failure in your school work,”

Veronica, a freshman says, “I don’t always deal with the stress but I usually just listen to music.” Managing your stress can be difficult, but having someone to talk to, getting every proper sleep and practicing positive thinking can get you back on the right track. It’s also important to remember that perfection is not attainable, and that you should strive to build upon your strengths. -

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