Smartphones | Teen Ink


April 11, 2016
By snursyadnizulaikha BRONZE, Kuala Lumpur, Other
snursyadnizulaikha BRONZE, Kuala Lumpur, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Smartphones combine the functionality of PDAs, wireless PCs, phones, and even digital cameras in one handset, making them a powerful business tool. Because greater functionality is built-in, smartphones can do things much more quickly than their standard mobile phone and PDA precursors.

Smartphone handsets can function as personal organisers, with electronic diaries, contact lists, and automatic reminders. As with a PDA, you can use your smartphone to take notes, review and edit your appointments, contacts and documents, all while you're on the move.More and more services are being made available on smartphones, from access to maps, satnav and directions to television transmissions with news coverage or weather reports to traffic information and scheduling alerts. This means your business can always stay one step ahead of what's going on.You can connect to the internet for e-mail and web access while 'on the move'. You can also connect to your computer network to access relevant data, wherever you are, making it easier for remote workers, or a mobile workforce to stay in touch with the business.

Considerably more data can be received and transmitted via a smartphone, such as large e-mail attachments or data files from websites. Previous mobiles could only manage small e-mails without attachments. Many models offer built-in digital cameras with immediate snap and send functionality, so remote workers or offsite staff can instantly photograph and send images or videos of anything from supplier's goods to site inspections or damaged warehouse machinery. Smartphones could offer you a new way of marketing to customers, Multimedia Messaging Services (MMS) lets you include animation, graphics and music in a message.Web access is quicker than in previously available mobiles, making it easier to access e-mail and information from the Net. Some models and carriers offer an 'always-on' internet access service, making connection easier.

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