Celebrate Being YOU! | Teen Ink

Celebrate Being YOU!

September 3, 2018
By ohsnapitsevaaa BRONZE, Cape Coral, Florida
ohsnapitsevaaa BRONZE, Cape Coral, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

CELEBRATE BEING YOU!!! You are just as valuable as anyone else on this planet. Beyond all the pressures you put on yourself to look or act a certain way is an amazing person. A person with hopes, dreams, a unique personality and a person valuable beyond measure. If someone ever tells you that you need to change something, run away as fast as you can. They don’t belong in your life! If you are happy, THAT is what matters. Surround yourself with people who love you for YOU - people who help you celebrate being you! People who lift you up. The thing is, you’re not going to feel great about yourself everyday unless you’re superwoman - but that doesn’t mean you’re worthless or that you need to change! You weren’t put on this Earth to put yourself down, right? You have a purpose! Now stop with that negative self talk and while you’re at it, start celebrating who you are, not who you may wish you could be! 

The author's comments:

I struggled endlessly with Anorexia for more than 7 years. It wasn't until I started to accept who I was rather than trying to change who I was always meant to be that I began to feel better. 

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