Panera Bread | Teen Ink

Panera Bread

April 26, 2019
By ahs20 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
ahs20 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Walking in and my first impression; Panera Bread is clean. There are usually only long lines during meal hours. This way, the service is quick. There are always workers at the front ready to take any orders that come in. Furthermore, there are efficient kiosk order stations if it is a busy hour or you just want to order by yourself. For further convenience, you can place an online order on the free Panera app.

When waiting for your order, there are benches to sit on if it is to-go, or you can simply find a table or booth to eat at. Most of the time, the tables are clean. However, sometimes, there are crumbs that are leftover, which Panera could do a better job of cleaning up before another customer sits down. For the most part, there are always enough spots and cleanliness of the eating area is good.

As you sit down and wait for your food, usually, a Panera worker brings out your food. This is very convenient, especially if you have a lot. It’s also a good tactic for the restaurant. The first bite of your food is fresh. Your soup will be hot and your salad will be cold. The ingredients are evenly distributed. There is a variety of food you can order at Panera. It is friendly for anyone, even kids. Everytime I go to Panera, I order something different and am always pleased. If you are looking more on the healthy side, there are many options to choose from too. The website offers a calorie count for each food item too if you are calorie conscious. The food is always hot or cold and fresh. Coming to Panera at any time of the day is pleasing because they have all meals and a variety to choose from, depending on what you want.

My order is the you pick two with a caesar salad and broccoli cheddar soup. The salad is always cold, fresh, and mixed up, and the soup is hot and made the day of. One thing Panera could do is add more dressing to the take out orders because people are different and prefer different things. This is my go to order because it tastes good no matter what time and it is healthy, yet tastes good at the same time.

Overall, the food is fairly priced and good for all ranging taste buds. Panera is a healthy and good tasting food place for all types of eaters. I recommend this restaurant to everyone, and for the most part, it is a good place with few complaints. I am flabbergasted by Panera Bread overall; how friendly every location is, the cleanliness, speed, and good food.

The author's comments:

I am a junior at Arrowhead Highschool and really love Panera.

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