Backyard Adventures | Teen Ink

Backyard Adventures

October 10, 2019
By JEB16 BRONZE, Delafield, Wisconsin
JEB16 BRONZE, Delafield, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The wet green grass builds water on bright white shoes. The grass turns into mud and the stones lay out the two foot deep hole. Pine and two by fours stacked in neat rows, the nails hidden in the darkness. Glistening flash lights gather over the logs, as hands grab. Looking back down, the tepee is placed in the center of the hole. Newspapers that read 2010 were tightly packed on the inside. The moon was as bright as headlights and it covers the half acre yard with bright light. Laying in the wet grass, looking at the sparkling stars. Stress was lifted from everyone’s shoulders. The flame rises to 53 inches, as gold light portray faces with heat.The sky   absorbs grey smoke, as the sparkling stars disappeared. 

Strong smells of cologne and perfume take over the night as family gathers, changing to fresh pine and green grass. The fresh pine soon changes to strong gas as eighteen year old boys place half a bottle of new gas on the gold flames. Smells linger in noses, and they change every five minutes. The sweet smell of chocolate and graham crackers drift through the cold wind. As smiles grow, everything finally falls into place. The wind changes directions from west to east, as smoke lathers faces. 

Hands turn as cold as ice, numb, and purple. Soft rain falls into bristled hair. Overcome with the warmth of the flames, soft steps back away. Reaching under the logs, cold mud traces under fingernails and worms crawl. Wet benches and cold grass take over bodies, as seats are taken. Life takes an unexpected roll. 

The whistling and crackling of pine take over the night. The night seems as quiet as a mouse. Country music soon gathers the half acre yard, as everyone sings. “Been flyin’ solo for so long, nobody's singing the harmony.” 

Fears and anxiety lift from the bodies as it was the happiest everyone had been in a long time. In the background of the music, quiet chirps from crickets and birds increase louder and louder. The night only gets better, as nature is a safe spot. 

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