My Name | Teen Ink

My Name

November 17, 2021
By WK2023 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
WK2023 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The name William is of old german origin. It comes from the name Wilhelm. It is a timeless classic. It is a sharp black suit. A gold ballpoint pen. A fine wine, aged for many years that sits in the musky cellar.  A proper cologne. Everything about it is classic. All 7 letters. Both “L’s.” And most importantly—the “W.”

William means “Resolute Protector” or “Strong-Willed Warrior” It was a name given to many noble European Kings and princes of the early days. The name represents white silk robes. Navy blue pennants. Lush green gardens. 

My parents picked my name because of its German origins. This matches my German heritage. Will means noble. It means crowns and jewels. Prosperity and success. It sits at the top of hierarchies. My name sometimes is rewarding and other times feels like a high bar to clear. To be strong-willed like a monarch and contribute to society. a challenge I live with every day.

I am definitely not as noble and outgoing as the name suggests. But the name fits. It breeds people strong-willed, optimistic, and people determined to succeed. While I don’t think I will ever become royalty or be a prince like a name suggests, my hard work and determination to succeed will carry me in this life.


I would definitely never change my name. I believe that it represents most of if not all of me. It was given to me for a reason, and I need to live and be that reason every day.

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