Favorite Season | Teen Ink

Favorite Season

January 21, 2022
By mollyj5 SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
mollyj5 SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My favorite season would be summer. Summer is a time to have fun. No school and even better NO HOMEWORK!

The beginning of summer is nice because once it is warming up you get all excited and break out the shorts and tank tops. 

Another reason I like summer is that it is so warm outside. You don’t need to let your car warm up like you would in winter. Some of my favorite things to do in summer are spending time on the water, surfing, tubing, and swimming. With living on a lake, you can do those things anytime you want. 

I also enjoy staying up late and having campfires with friends and family. Sitting around the fire and you smell the smoke and hear all the conversations. Without having school on the weekdays and seeing them everyday, you still need to hangout in the summer.

I spend lots of time with my family and friends and I love it. 

Having my birthday in the summer, that adds the cherry on top. I love having my family birthday party because I don’t get to see my cousins that much and I love spending as much time as I can with them.

I also love summer at the end because it gets down into the ‘70s at night and you can sleep with the windows open. Having your windows open in the summer is like sleeping outside with the birds. 

Some things that I don’t like about summer are the mosquitoes. Mosquito bites are the worst. Also having softball tournaments in the summer, sometimes it can be 100+ degrees. Those days get long, tiring, and hot. 

These are some of my favorite things to do in summer and some things I don’t like.

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