The Wonders of Snow | Teen Ink

The Wonders of Snow

October 19, 2023
By 5mckay GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
5mckay GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Snow. Snow is a gift. Something only some can experience. Think of the time you saw something for the first time. But then you see it again and you feel the same way. Think of the nostalgic feeling that comes to life when you see something that reminds you of the first time it was experienced. That's the feeling of snow. The magic that snow gives off.

Snow. Snow is magical. Snow gives the sensation of something fun. Something that may only be experienced once. The beauty of snow is something not all can experience, the magic of its presents. Truly snow makes me feel like I am in a fictional world. Snow is something that doesn’t feel real. Driving the back road in the wonderland of winter. Looking out the window at all of the glowing trees. Sun at its peak, shining down giving off the feeling of another world. Looking at snow makes me feel like I'm in a dream. A dream that I never want to end. 

Snow. Snow is nature. The beauty of snow is amazing. The reflection of the sun bouncing off of the small, shiny, magical flakes that pile up on the ground. Driving through a forest with snow-covered trees is a real experience. An experience that should be cherished because it may never feel the same. Trees glistening with light, the white powder sitting perfectly on a branch making it look like a true winter wonderland. 

Snow. Snow is beauty.  A beauty that can not be explained, only experienced. Snow is the sharp chill down my spine when I walk out into the frigid cold. The grass is white and dense. This is The True Wonders of snow. 

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