How to be a Good Listener | Teen Ink

How to be a Good Listener

February 13, 2024
By 5sellers BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
5sellers BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Listening can help you create better bonds with people,” states Ava Hansen, a 16-year-old student at Arrowhead High School in Hartland, Wisconsin, Just recently, Ava has found out that she is an amazing listener towards her new and old friends, and says it’s more simple than you realize. As long as you are patient, ask them questions, respond, and don’t make the conversation about you, then you are all set to be a fantastic listener. 

It can help you create better relationships with friends as well, because if you are a good listener, then your friends will trust you more and help you both create an even stronger bond between the two of you. 

This past summer of 2023 was when Hansen realized she had created genuine bonds with her friends. She was able to start having deeper conversations with them, and make them feel comfortable around her as well. “I would make sure I’m available whenever they need me,” she goes on to explain. One instance this happened was when her friend really needed to talk to someone about family issues, so she made herself available for her friend to pick her up just so they could talk and Hansen could listen and calm her down. After her friend dropped her back off at home, Hansen felt like the bond between them was even stronger than it already was.

The author's comments:

This piece is a How-To piece that gives you advice about how to be a good listener by a student, Ava Hansen

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