How to Play Ping Pong | Teen Ink

How to Play Ping Pong

February 13, 2024
By phamel BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
phamel BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“It’s all about the grip,” proclaims Beck Palmquist, 17 year-old from Hartland, Wisconsin. He has been playing for over five years and plays with his brother at least once a week in his basement. He is a self taught expert and says the most common part of the game is practicing almost daily and being able to handle losing. His goals are to be the best in his family and be the best that he can be. 

He claims that you have to be able to hit the ball with your forehand and backhand with an athletic stance, when you take a swing you have to make sure that you get good rotation in your swing. Just like you are swinging a pickleball racket. A good stance consists of a slight bend in the knee and for you to be facing your opponent. This is important because then you are ready for whatever the opponent hits at you, and you are able to make a play on more balls. All you need to start playing ping pong consistently is a table, ball, paddles, and a training partner who is willing to play daily and critique your form to make you better, you will have to be able to placate yourself though because sometimes these comments could get under your skin.

Palmquist got started playing the great sport of ping pong when he played at a friend's house and thought that it was fun; he hasn’t looked back since convincing his parents to get him a table. He claims that you have to be agile, have good reflexes, and have a strong determination to get better everyday. 

The author's comments:

I chose to interview this person because of his love for the sport of Ping Pong.

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