Why should election day be a holiday in the USA or how can we fix it | Teen Ink

Why should election day be a holiday in the USA or how can we fix it

April 29, 2024
By 27ap03 BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
27ap03 BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Election Day is significant for US citizens to pick the next leaders of our country, state, town, and school. We all should get that day off so people can vote, not feel rushed, and still make it. My parents have a busy schedule and it is hard for them to make it to the polling place to vote. They both work in the cities and get off at around 5 so it is hard and overwhelming to get off work and vote before they close. So in the article, I will be talking about Why people can't go, the importance of voting, how we could vote easer, and the possible punishment 

Why voters don't go to the polls. In the US voters are getting stuck in work like my parents and also students but also in an article by Leah Rodriguez from “MPR News published on DECEMBER 15, 2020 about Poll '': Despite Record Turnout, 80 Million Americans Didn't Vote. Here's why: About 29% of people said that they are not registered to vote and that is a lot of people. One solution to make that number better is registering to vote when they get their driver's license at 18. And in schools, some 18-year-old kids can vote but can't because of school and extracurricular activities. Some adults can't because their job hours do not match the poll hours. My mom was a nurse and worked from 7-7 and 1 hour away from home so it was hard for her to make it in time to vote. Or we could try to make voting easier for Americans.

How we could make voting easier. Voting in the US can be hard, from registering to commuting to the polls. As an example When people go to get their driver's license at 18 or over 18 getting it for the first time, there should be an option to register to vote at the DMV. For the people who have trouble commuting, there should be a transportation system like busses and vans to bring people to the polls 

Possible punishments. In my opinion, there should be fines or other punishments For example in Australia they have a fine for people who do not vote in state elections the fine is $20 for first-time offenders, and any time after that it goes up to $50 According to “Western Australian electoral commissions article on Failure to Vote”. Or we could suspend them from voting in upcoming elections. So if we did this in the United States it would help increase our voter turnout.

The importance of voting. I think voting is very important because it can help citizens pick the leaders they want to run their nation, state, town, and school. It can also help the community determine what is best or in your opinion what is best. Voting is also a way to be active in your community

I can remember the rush in my house when my parents were running to the polls. In conclusion, I have said why people do not vote, ways to make voting easier, possible punishments, and the importance of voting. We should either get a holiday or time to take off work to get accurate and fair elections so we don't leave people out. I hope we can take ideas out of this article. I have got most of my information from MPR News and that is why I think election day should be a holiday or fix how they run it.

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