Ending the Stigma Around Men's Mental Health | Teen Ink

Ending the Stigma Around Men's Mental Health

May 28, 2024
By eddie10 BRONZE, Hubertus, Wisconsin
eddie10 BRONZE, Hubertus, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

If there is one thing I could improve in the world it would be the stigma about men's mental health.  I feel like a man expressing your emotions is frowned upon.  Many people think that men can’t have hardships and that their life is perfect.  When in reality, there are many issues that make it far from perfect.    

People in society, especially some women, love to criticize men that express emotions like sadness or depression because they think this man is weak.  Many people in society believe that the man should be strong like a lion and provide for the family and I would agree.  However, I also think that men sometimes need a break from their everyday life.   

 Everyone will always help the woman that is having an issue but no one helps the guy with the same issue.  In the Western world, men die by suicide three to four times more often than a women.

  Men are more likely to not speak out because they will think they are weak and not manly.  I think that we need to change the idea that men don’t have problems like depression, sadness and feelings of being overwhelmed.  I also think we need to develop better ways for men to speak out.

I believe that a hotline for men to call when they have these feelings would be vital in to lowering the suicide rate.  There needs to be a change in how we perceive men and it needs to be soon or else it will never change.  To any many that have these feelings of agony or sadness I would say to them never, never, never give up.

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