Greatful | Teen Ink


May 30, 2024
By fatcow22 BRONZE, Watertown, Wisconsin
fatcow22 BRONZE, Watertown, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I have learned a lot through the 17 years of my life and I will always give all the credit to my parents for setting me up to be who I am today. Everyday I use the skills that they have taught me growing up and how they push me to be the best I can and I am extremely grateful to have them in my life as my parents.

Starting off with my mom she has been my biggest helper in making sure that I am always set up to be successful. Every day she constantly checks in on me every day to make sure I'm okay by sending me a text telling me to have a good day today and reminding me of something i have going on later that day or just something that that certain day. My mom wants the best for me and one way she shows that is by setting me up for success. The Way that she does this is by sending me job/business related opportunities that have set me up for where I currently work today and I give all of the credit for that to her. The Most important thing that she has taught me is to “Treat others the way you want to be treated”. This helps me every single day by controlling many situations and decisions that I have to make which in turn has made me a better person by looking at situations in other people's perspectives instead of just yours which for me was self centered at the time.

I am very grateful for my dad because he pushed me to be who I am today. He constantly pushes me to be the best and get what I want in life by pushing past others and creating your own way to be successful. Some of the ways that he does this is the way he talks to me and how he tells me that i can't achieve things wich in my head makes me want to prove him wrong and work harder to prove to him that i can do the things that he “says” that i can't but i know that he really just talks me to down to mentally push me. He has always taught me to not cheat or lie because then the result will be much more rewarding knowing that you made it happen without taking the easy way out. All of this really has changed my mindset over the years and greatly affected my work ethic and it's all thanks to him pushing me to work harder to pave the way to get what I want. 

I am very grateful to have parents like the ones I have today and they have truly led me to be who I am and have always been involved in my life pushing me to achieve my goals.

The author's comments:

I incorporate many devices through the piece but one of my favorites is a very important quote from my mom that has lived with me throughout the past few years of my life and has shaped me as a person. The piece is a story of my life and how my parents are a huge influence on who I am today.

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