Drama, the worst thing in high school | Teen Ink

Drama, the worst thing in high school

March 3, 2010
By Matt-Man BRONZE, Grand Junction, Colorado
Matt-Man BRONZE, Grand Junction, Colorado
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The hardest thing by far in high school is dealing with drama. It is the worst distraction to school and your personal life. It throws off your concentration and can just ruin your day. What I like to do is avoid it. It is easy but it’s the little things that keep drama going on so I just don’t try to talk as much. The other thing I hate about drama is that people often hear something and so they assume it’s true and will tell everyone. The last thing I can’t stand about drama is when I can dictate a relationship with one of your best friends. It is not worth it.

Doing the little things, like not talking, can really help when it comes to avoiding drama. It is really about taking yourself out of the picture so you can’t get involved. Drama can be brought up by just saying one little thing about somebody and it can develop to a rumor that can drive you crazy and the worst part is that most of the time, it isn’t even true. It is not fair but when people are bored they can say what they want to say.

Assumption is another thing I can’t stand about people when it comes to drama. It gives people their own right to assume that what people say is automatically true. A lot of the time it isn’t true and people won’t shut up about it until everyone already hears about it. Then it’s vice versa on convincing people that it is not true and eventually, people won’t know what to believe. It’s like a game about trying to defend yourself for what is true and what is not. You can’t dictate what people believe and what they will not believe and that is what makes drama so hard to deal with.

The last and number one thing I hate about drama is how it can tear a friendship apart. I have had too many experiences with friends who hear a rumor about them from another friend and it isn’t even true. They take it to the next level by getting in a fight with them or getting really pissed off at one another and they decide not to be friends with each other anymore. Most of the time it is over a girl meaning an ex-girlfriend and it is so stupid. Not only should you be stressing over an ex-girlfriend but you shouldn’t break up a friendship because some girl likes to cause drama between you and your best friend. It is what they are trying to do in the first place.

Drama is one less thing I would like to have in my life. Well a little less in high school at least because I have enough to worry about anyways. All it is is gossip and rumors that other people love to start because they have nothing better to do in their lives. Here is some advice, go find something else to do in your life and quit messing with mine. You’re not going to get anywhere in life if all you do is excel in being a drama queen.

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