Sex Talk with Mom | Teen Ink

Sex Talk with Mom

February 18, 2011
By Alliciyia SILVER, Zachary, Louisiana
Alliciyia SILVER, Zachary, Louisiana
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need." -Matthew 6:33

Having the sex talk with your mom may seem like the worst talk to have in the world right now. I mean, I rather jump off a cliff then talk kind with my mom about that kind of stuff, kind of bad, but it just might save you from a lot of hurt. Even if, like me you think you have gotten all the info you need from other sources it won’t hurt to listen to your mother’s side of things at least she has what’s best for you at heart. After all, kids today are being bombarded with sex more than ever. Your mom can give you the most important sex advice and on a personal level at that (not like in Sex Ed class). Yeah, yeah I know you are going to need some convincing so allow me. Here are some tips for talking to her about everything from knowing whether or not you're ready for sex to getting on the Pill to pregnancy. I think I’ll take my own advice on this one!
Write your mom a note saying that you want to talk, and make sure to add what you want to talk about. Find a time where you have their undivided attention. Admit your uncomfortableness. Let her know if you are considering having sex and want to get contraceptives, or if you are feeling pressured to get it over with.

If you just can’t talk to your mom. Here are some common questions asked by teens about sex. Feel free to ask a grandparent, aunt or uncle, or doctor about any questions you might have as well because sometimes it helps to put some distance between talking about sex and your folks that way you do not feel like she is constantly judging you, but trust me she probably won’t.

The author's comments:
After reading this you can go to this website with your mom to take a quiz to see how well you communicate with each other:

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