Anything is Possible | Teen Ink

Anything is Possible

June 5, 2011
By paytin BRONZE, Paulina, Louisiana
paytin BRONZE, Paulina, Louisiana
4 articles 0 photos 2 comments

I have big dreams for myself in the future. I do not like to tell many people about them because when I do tell people most of them end up laughing, telling me it’s impossible, or they just think I’m a nerd. I believe I can reach my goal one day. I know I can.
I live in a small town in Louisiana. Paulina is the town’s name. Most people never leave this town once they are older. They find jobs around here, and they live here. I don’t want to be like everyone else. I want to be different. I want to see the world, become somebody else, meet new people, and become a publisher at a huge company.

I told my best friend my goals in life. She told me I was being unrealistic, and I was weird. I told my grandma my goals, and she laughed at me. She told me “Good luck with that”. While everyone thinks my dreams are a joke, I’m being dead serious about it. Their laughter sometimes brings me down. It makes me want to give up hope, but then I realized, they give me a bigger reason to reach my goals. It’s like a challenge now. I have the chance to prove them wrong. I can’t wait.
I want to go to Italy one day. I want to meet so many new people, and start a family. I want to live in New York. I want to go to a great writing college, and work for Random House in New York. I know if I set my mind to it, I can’t do whatever I want to do. I will do just that.
I told my mom my plans in life. She encouraged me to go for my dreams, and work hard for them. I have a while to start planning, I’m only fourteen. No matter how old you are, how small you are, how unrealistic your dreams sound, GO FOR IT! I know I will.

The author's comments:
I wrote this article to encourage teens to go for their dreams. Everyone deserves a chance.

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