How to Write a Fiction Story | Teen Ink

How to Write a Fiction Story

November 12, 2011
By scarletmoon SILVER, Las Vegas, Nevada
scarletmoon SILVER, Las Vegas, Nevada
9 articles 5 photos 5 comments

There are many people in the world who would love to write a fun, fiction story but don’t know where to start. That’s why I’m here—to help those lost, wanna-be authors become CELEBRITIES. Okay, I can’t actually make you famous, but what I can and will do is teach you the basics of writing a fiction story.
Part One: Get an Idea!
Who is your main character?

The most important part of a fiction piece is the main character(s), or the protagonist(s). Your main character should be interesting and someone your audience (the people who read your story) can relate to. Maybe you want your main character to be kind and funny, or you might want them to be stern and malicious. Often, authors base their characters on friends and family. It all depends on what kind of person you would enjoy writing about. Also, keep in mind that a story has many characters, not just a protagonist and an antagonist (I’ll define this word later).
Where is your main character?

The time and place you story takes place in, or your setting, is another important aspect of your story. You may want to put your characters in a setting that “fits”, for example writing about fairies that live in a forest, or you could go out-of-this-world and have werewolves spacewalking on Mars. Just keep in mind that the setting has an effect on the plot (what happens in the story) —those fairies might be trying to not get eaten by birds, while the wolves would be fighting off Martians.
What does your main character want to do?

You can’t have a story without a main character, but you protagonist has no purpose without a plot! Give them a goal to reach or something to accomplish. The fairies may want to spread peace throughout the land, while the werewolves are hoping to settle a colony in space. Give your character or characters something fun or adventurous to do—something to keep your readers entertained.
Who or what is keeping your protagonist from reaching their goal?

Every protagonist needs an enemy, or antagonist, to block their path to success. Sometimes the antagonist is plain evil, while other times they don’t realize they’re in the way. Your enemy can also be a good character gone bad. A demon disguised as a fairy or an alien with anger management issues would make wonderful antagonists. They may be against the protagonist’s ideas and will try their hardest to stop them. Also, your antagonist doesn’t have to be a person or animal. It could be a rusty old building, the protagonist’s conscience, or Mother Nature.
How does your character overcome this obstacle (if they overcome it)?

You need to think of an exciting way for your main character to defeat the antagonist. Does your protagonist have cool weapons or strong magical powers? That would add plenty of action to your story. Maybe the protagonist makes a deal with the antagonist—they can even become friends! Also, you need to figure out what happens after the protagonist reaches their goal. Is there a happily ever after, or do things become dangerous and complicated again (the second choice opens room for a series!)? Those fairies may be in peace for at least another hundred years, but what happens if the werewolves move on to the moon?
Part Two: Make It Readable!

I hope you’ve been answering the topic questions, because you’ll need them to complete the next step: drafting! This is where you take all those notes you wrote down and turn them into full-fledged sentences, paragraphs, and possibly even chapters.

Your story must have an eye-catching beginning, or exposition, like a description of the setting, or some character dialogue (speech spoken by a character). It should pull people into your story and make them want to continue reading. After that create an ever-changing rising action. This is what happens before the protagonist battles the antagonist. The rising action should have many small events that relate to the conflict, or problem. In most stories, the events in the rising action aren’t too serious, but they can also be just as severe as the conflict itself (if you conflict is severe, that is). Next comes what is usually the most suspenseful, action-packed part of a fiction piece: the climax. This is where your protagonist and antagonist face-off in battle. It’s where one side relishes the sweet taste of victory and the other side eats dirt. Use your notes from “How does your character overcome this obstacle?” to write your climax. After the climax is the falling action, which is basically everything else that happens before the ending of your story. This is where loose ends are tied up and questions are answered. Finally, there is the resolution, or the very end of the story. The resolution tells what happens after the story, such as if the characters live happily ever after or if the events in the story have given them a life of misery.

Revision is where you pump up the volume on your piece and make sure your voice can be heard. Replace boring words like asked, funny, and sadly with pleaded, hilarious, and mournfully. Reword bland sentences such as “The cat jumped” into works of art like “The fearful feline sprang into the clear night sky after she noticed the gigantic German shepherd whom had snuck up behind her.” Re-dos like that ensure entertainment for your readers. They also make it easier for the reader to visualize, or create a picture in their mind of what is happening. After revising, rewrite the piece so that it isn’t as messy and you can read it more easily.
Type and Check

Use your new draft as a guide to typing your piece (yes, on a computer). After you have typed it, print it out and use this amazingly clear draft to edit, or grammatically correct, your piece. While editing, you may also check to see if there are any last-minute revisions you would like to make. After you’ve finished fixing your paper, also make the corrections on the computer and repeat the process again. You may find yourself printing and typing 10 times a day, and that’s okay. Keep checking until the piece is just right (unless you’re on a tight deadline—in that case, don’t spend too much extra time on it).

Publishing, in my opinion, is the second most fun part of creating a fictional piece, next to revision. In publishing, you can change your font and add pictures that relate to your piece. An important part of publishing is the cover page, which states the title (name) of the piece and the author (that’s you!). If someone drew or otherwise created pictures for your piece they will be acknowledged on the cover as the illustrator. The publisher, date the story was published, and an illustration can also often be found on the cover page of a piece.
In Conclusion…

Well, there you have it— some basic, yet thorough steps to creating a fiction piece. Keep in mind that there are many different types of fiction to write, such as fan-fiction (original stories involving already existing fictional characters belonging to another author), realistic fiction (made-up stories that could happen in everyday life), Sci-Fi (fictional stories based on science), and others, not just fantasy (completely unrealistic stories), which I based my examples on. You can find ideas for your story by reading other authors’ masterpieces. I recommend Gordon Korman for realistic fiction, J.K. Rowling for fantasy, James Patterson for Sci-Fi, and the Internet to find “Fan-fics.” Oh! One last thing— your story should reflect not only your personality, but also your passions. Happy writing!

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