Silk Curtains | Teen Ink

Silk Curtains

May 8, 2008
By Anonymous

She loved to watch the silk curtains blow from the gentle, cool, breeze from the outside. Everytime she would hear that one of these occurences were about to happen off of the weather channel, she would sit on her back porch in her soft, cushioned chair and watch as the curtains would wave back and forth in the air. She especially loved when it was roling in later in the day, just as the summer sun was slowly darkening in the distance. As the gentle breeze turns into a more fierce wind, she starts to sway in the rhythm of the curtain. Just sitting in peaceful solitude, with not a worry in the world. But then it starts getting darker and darker out; the sky making sounds, almost as if the angels and God were bowling up above. She takes a couple more seconds to watch the curtains, the she has to close the windows and call it a night.

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