My Trip To New York | Teen Ink

My Trip To New York

May 13, 2008
By Anonymous

It was summer vacation. A rainy summer vacation. We got the chance to go to New York city with our friends. This would be the first time I went to New York City. The trip to N.Y wasn’t the best part of the trip. It was raining and pretty much we just slept, ate, and looked out the rainy windows. There were 6 people on this trip. Julie, Steven, Mike A., Mike C., Bill, and me.
We slept in a top class hotel. That was like luxury. We also went to toys “r” us. I swear it was the biggest store ever. Then we went to a museum of military vehicles/ weaponry. I mean it was huge. We got to explore through things. We accidentally got lost. It was a huge erroneous. We had to go to security and they called Julies father Bill. Then Bill came and got us. We went inside and found my brother (Michael) and his friend Mike. They were in a simulator. It was of a plane. They were sitting doing barrel rolls going up down all around. I was hesitant to go so… I didn’t.
Another time during the same vacation we went to the empire state building. It was an amazing sight it was during the night so al the lights were on. Way, way down below you can see the lights of the taxis there were like a million. We mostly walked since driving a car was pointless it would take forever.
I never wanted that day to end. I mean between the massive toy r us and empire state building it was awesome. Even getting lost didn’t seem so bad with all the fun we were having. New York and all its majestic matters still had its downs. Well ok maybe not but getting lost in that city would have been a nightmare.

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