A Painful Goodbye | Teen Ink

A Painful Goodbye

May 13, 2008
By Anonymous

Have you ever had someone love be gone in the blink of an eye? It was early on thanksgiving and the phone rang. It was my grandpa. He asked if my mom was there I told him no. then he told me to tell her to go to the hospital as soon as she got there.

So about 30 minuets later she came back. So I told her to the message. My brother, sister and I wait anxiously to they got back. So another hour passed and my grandpa’s friend Lorie came. Then the worst news I ever heard came. She told me my grandma passed away. So many thoughts burst through my head. The only thing I could do was cry. Then for about an hour I ran through the house furiously. So I decided to call my dad. He came in about 10min. with my uncle. So he tried to cheer us up by making us laugh. It worked in a little while we were calm. I was still furious so we decided to eat. In a little while my mom came. Tears were flowing down her eyes as soon as she walked in I gave her a hug. My great grandma was affected most of all but she left to the hospital. It took her a couple of months to get alright but I don’t blame her. My mom was mad at Lorie because she told us when my mom wasn’t there to comfort us. So I decided to go to my dad’s house for a couple of days.

I stood at my dads for two days then went home because we were going to have a funeral for her in a couple of days. The funeral was at my church because she was cremated. It took everyone a while to get calm again. My grandma was born July 19, 1956 and passed November 22, 2007. A day or two later no really said much but now we can’t go one day without talking about her. On her birthday we are going to do something in remembrance of her. I learned so much from that experience. The most important was that cherish your family because you’ll never know when it’s you last time to see them. So that was the worst day of my life so far.

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