Missing Mia | Teen Ink

Missing Mia

December 14, 2012
By Dianaa21 BRONZE, Garland, Texas
Dianaa21 BRONZE, Garland, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I haven’t seen my cat Mia in the longest time. I’ve looked everywhere. So I went to go ask my neighbor Kelly. She said “I saw a car drive up by and stop Mia and a little girl got out the car and got her.” In my head I thought maybe they will return her. On her collar it has my number and address.

I waited by the phone until someone called. Hours passed, still no phone call. My mother came home and noticed that something was wrong. I replied “Someone stole Mia.” She went up to me and gave me a warm. A week passed by still no sign of Mia. I was frustrated, waiting for something that was never going to come back.
My mom came home holding something behind her back, It was a cage with a small furry puff ball, she pulled it out and it was a baby kitten. It was the cutest thing ever. I thanked my mom for the gift and for trying to cheer me up. I love my new kitten but I won’t ever forget Mia.

The author's comments:
It was an assignment .

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