My Parents | Teen Ink

My Parents

December 18, 2012
By Teminator343 BRONZE, Plymouth, Michigan
Teminator343 BRONZE, Plymouth, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My nonfiction essay is about my parents and what they’ve done for me. Whether school, sports, or religious life, my parents are always there for me. They give me so many opportunities.

My mother was born and raised in an Asian country called Singapore. This country is very well known for its studies coming from hard workers and good work ethics. My mother is definitely not the exception. Throughout all of my life, she has made me work diligently and has drilled into me good work ethics. I have always strived to be the best that I can be, especially in my work.

Soccer is my favorite sport. I have had a passion for it ever since I started playing it at age 5. My parents have played a large factor in this and all of the other things that I do. They have given me countless opportunities, especially for soccer. I now play for a club team in Novi, Michigan.

My religious life is the most important thing in my life. My parents have always taught me that God is the center of my life. They are also very devout people themselves. Both my parents attend daily mass.

I believe I am especially blessed with the loving parents that I have. Without them and the countless opportunities they have given me, I would be nowhere in life.

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