Home is where I belong | Teen Ink

Home is where I belong

August 21, 2008
By Anonymous

I lived somewhere else before. Now, I live here. Before, I loved my house, my before home and now, I've grown to love my new, now home. I never want to have to leave this place. My new family and friends. When I had to leave my before home, I cried and yelled, but nothing changed. I had to leave and that fact couldn't be changed. Sadness fell over me and tears came stumbling out. Slowly, one by one, they dried and the truth came out. I had to leave and there was going to be no turning back once we started the journey of 20,000 miles across the sea to get to what was going to be my new home, America. We flew to what was once known as the "new world". Arriving in the USA, I was hit with so many differences. But, as a few days went by, I made friends, friends who also loved me and stood by me. I made a new family and as the years went by, I learned, home is not the one place you've always been, home is where the love of everyone surrounds you and gives you happiness. But, you still can't remember the families you've made in the past. Like the one that I did. The tears stung my eyes again, but this time, I was strong and I held them back. Our journey had started and there was NO TURNING BACK!

The author's comments:
I know many have went through this, but most do not understand the meaning of home and that is what I tried to show in this little story.

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