Community Service | Teen Ink

Community Service

May 14, 2013
By OddFutureChappy BRONZE, Welch, Minnesota
OddFutureChappy BRONZE, Welch, Minnesota
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How much do people care about our community? In my town a lot do, but at some place they just don’t care. I’d like to say a few things about Community Service. Even though I haven't done anything significant to mine, but I still care about it. It greatly impacts our lives and environment, it makes our breathing air cleaner, and the environmentalists happy, but most of all it gives our surroundings a chance to grow back to life.

To have our community we need stricter laws on littering. But that won’t stop people from doing it still. But at least it might change the minds of some people. When the melted away I saw in the ditch with a lot of empty beer bottles. So littering isn’t the only problem we have.

The ways I look at a clean environment is cleaner air and not having to look at someone else's trash in my yard. Makes me sick. In the larger areas, like Chicago, the environment is based off of garbage.

At some places all there is is just nothing but trash. Most of it torn up by vehicles or people. Like that one town in Uganda, nothing but a landfill. That is sad. But that doesn’t stop the people living their.

I have told of some issues that need to be dealt with or its going to be a lifelong issue for generations to come and its only going to get worse.

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