Becoming the Kid From the Hunger Games | Teen Ink

Becoming the Kid From the Hunger Games

May 21, 2013
By stemper09 SILVER, SUSSEX, Wisconsin
stemper09 SILVER, SUSSEX, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Ethan Jamieson is an ordinary 14 year old boy from Raleigh, North Carolina. However, during the summer 2011, he was no longer just Ethan Jamieson, he became the boy tribute from district 4.

When he submitted a video audition, two weeks later, he got a call asking him to be a part of the Hunger Games cast.

The Hunger Games is a movie set in the future of North America. The continent is split up into 12 districts, and to control the districts each year a girl and boy tribute is selected to fight until one remains.

Jamieson describes his five weeks that he spent filming by saying, “It was intense. We were doing a lot of running while wearing pants and jackets in 95 degree weather.”

It turns out Jamieson only gets about a minute of fame, but in that minute, his character is killed. Jamieson says, “As the other tributes are fighting, I’m hiding behind a crate. When i run out, Cato, clobbers me in the face.”

It may appear easy, but Jamieson had to get special instructions on how to do “head takes” and make it look like he got hit.

Besides filming, Jamieson got to experience hanging out on the set. When they weren’t filming, he hung out with Amandla Stenberg who plays Rue, and Jackie Emerson who plays Foxface. Jamieson shares they had a “prank gang”. According to Jamieson, the most surprising thing about the movie set was all the food they had.

Jamieson says, “I’m only in the movie for about a minute, but the whole experience has been crazy!” He even gets noticed at school as the boy from the Hunger Games.

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