The Memory that still Haunts my Life | Teen Ink

The Memory that still Haunts my Life

September 24, 2008
By Anonymous

To forgive and to forget-easy to say but sadly hard to do. I never knew that day would have such a big impact on my life. That day, that time, wounded my spirit forever. It caused an everlasting injury never to be cured. Who knew it could have caused so much trouble, so much agony and pain? Has the world turned its back on me? Or have I forgotten how to live life? Will the memory haunt my life like a blot in a colorful rainbow…..will the spectrum of colors always have a black line of doom passing through them…? Will my peaceful mind be always invaded with perturbed thoughts and dark predictions? Relaxing –just seems a crazy dream…..I have entered into a realm of life where hardly anyone can relax….will this life be always like that and will it eventually lead to nowhere…so many unasked questions and so many unknown answers….who knew so much could go through a human mind?

It is like stepping into a dark hole and falling through it, the darkness thickening with every fall….similar to your soul being injured forever…..though live may go on somethings will always remain at a standstill…..

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