The America That I Never Knew | Teen Ink

The America That I Never Knew

May 21, 2013
By GrantS. GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
GrantS. GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There once was a nation founded on liberty, freedom, and rights. It was a nation that fought blood and gore for a hope that one day their children would flourish. It was a place that if you trusted in God, stuck to morals, and worked hard; you could go far in life. And now, everything that the Declaration proposed has been turned into a left wing fanatic breeding ground, PC. Political Correctness. Once upon that time, when Washington swung his swords at the red coats, he dreamed of a day that everyone could hold hands and stand for their beliefs, with no one to say they should be in exile.

It’s unfortunate to say that the beauty of liberty through Washington, freedom through Lincoln, and rights through the people, which once washed a conservative way of living through the adrenaline of many, has been burnt by the flames of being perfect. Being equal. Being the exact same as your neighbor and doing anything else is frowned upon. PC. Here’s a idea, why don’t we quit the political gambles and stick to a patriotic business. A personal business. A business founded on 13 shining stars that exploded into 50.

Maybe everything they dreamed of, I’ve now started to dream of. I’ve looked back and I can say I’ve never lived in the red, white, and blue. I’ve lived in a hazy mist disguised by a banner. One day I will need to take the flare burning like my soul, and shoot it up in the air and yell to God: “Where did it go?” He will respond, “Flooded in a wicked dream.” A wicked dream which has washed away and smothered in a flame called PC.

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