"Take Your Daughter To Work..." | Teen Ink

"Take Your Daughter To Work..." MAG

By Anonymous

   Recently, girls were invited to take part in the nationwide "Take Your Daughter to Work Day." I believe that this day was intended to show girls that they can do anything boys can, and also to encourage girls to pursue careers.

When I first heard about "Take Your Daughter to Work Day," I thought it was a great idea, but after thinking about it, I realized that taking only girls to work partially defeated the purpose of the day.

By taking their daughters to work, parents were supposed to foster plans of working for a living as an adult. Unfortunately, many boys probably saw this day as an unearned reward for girls, because girls didn't have to go to school. It is likely that numerous children got the message that girls are unable to achieve without special treatment. By taking only girls to work, people imply that girls are inferior to boys. Not only is this unfair to girls, but it puts a certain pressure on boys. There certainly are some boys who need extra encouragement to achieve, and leaving them in school while their female classmates go to work is sexist. As a result of different treatment, girls might come to expect handouts.

A more just day might be called "Take Your Children to Work Day." This type of day would make parents' lives clearer to their children, as well as encourage students to apply themselves in school and get a job.

A reciprocal day for parents to join children in school might help students realize that their education is important. Also, parents would be better able to understand what goes on in their children's lives. Students' complaints and concerns about school would be more meaningful to parents who had spent a day in the classroom.

I hope that next year there will not be a "Take Your Daughter to Work Day," but a "Take Your Children to Work Day" and a "Take Your Parents to School Day." To achieve equality for everyone, children must not receive special treatment based on their gender. Adults must help girls and boys explore their options and encourage them to lead productive lives. n

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This article has 2 comments.

i love this so much!

ceandkw4eve said...
on Nov. 12 2008 at 9:20 pm
girls and guys should be treated equally. but girls werent treated right when they irls couldnt vote. so just because of the fact that they have for just girls they got alot of stuff for guys only